Personal Testimonial
Frederic Liss, M.D.
Orthopedic Surgeon
Malvern, PA
“Bob has been my neighbor and friend for 13 years. I have always found him to be an impeccably principled, open and honest man, without hidden agendas. He is an intelligent and kind person who consistently exhibits humility and lives his life in the way that he purports that he should.
“Although Bob and I don't always agree on the issues, I believe that his principles and his uniquely honest nature will guide him to do the right thing for his constituents. I feel confident that he won’t fall prey to special interests, but rather he will work tirelessly to try to represent the voice of the people of our district, because he truly cares.
“I am not a party line voter. I'm a fiscal conservative who believes that one should vote for a person who has the character and judgment to make good choices based on what is right. In my assessment, Bob possesses these qualities.”
“Our political system is ailing due to the struggle for self preservation of our politicians, which often results in a disconnect between the choices of our elected officials and the expression of the wishes of those who elect them. We need to rejuvenate our legislative system with ‘fresh blood,’ and Bob Roggio is an excellent candidate who will do just that.
“Bob is a ‘roll up your sleeves’ kind-of-guy who listens well, and will work to find solutions and solve problems. He is clearly a man who has always been guided by his deep-seated convictions about social and economic issues. He will do what is right for our district and our country, and I am proud to support him.”
— Frederic Liss, M.D.