Students for Bob Roggio
Join Nichole and students from around the district and around the country in supporting change, hope, and a brighter future for America.
Nichole Leonard is a 6th district resident and a student at Villanova University, majoring in Political Science and History. To join Nichole's Students for Bob Coalition or to receive more information, email us at: .
“When Bob is elected to Congress he will be an advocate for issues that matter to me. I want to know that after graduation I will have access to affordable, quality healthcare.”
“While I have been fortunate enough to have health insurance my entire life, too many have not. Now is the time for universal healthcare. That's why Bob supports Senator Barack Obama's plan for universal healthcare.
“The Iraq War is another issue of tremendous concern to me. I want our troops to return home safely and with honor. This is why I support Bob's commitment to bringing our troops home. As our economy continues to suffer, we can no longer spend billions of dollars on an unwise military intervention. I think our government needs new leadership to end this war in Iraq. Bob has made ending the war one of his top priority in Washington.”
— Nichole Leonard